Whether you live in Wellington or Jupiter, we all know families who have gone through a divorce. One of the most difficult things for parents to do after they are divorced is figuring out how to interact when co-parenting their children. Frequently, the resentment and misunderstandings that occur after a divorce are the result of a parent’s lack of proper communication. Parents should learn to treat their relationship with their ex-spouse as a business relationship. But learning how can be difficult, and sometimes impossible if parents are not on the same page. However, learning to co-parent effectively is essential if you hope to raise happy, healthy, well-adjusted children. Here are some helpful tips for co-parenting with your ex-spouse:
- NEVER PUT YOUR CHILDREN IN THE MIDDLE. No matter what happens, never ask your children to relay anything to your ex-spouse. Never ask them to deliver money to the other parent and never interrogate them about what goes on at the other parent’s home. Schedule a Personalized Family Law Assessment With an Attorney Now!
- DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. After a divorce, you really need to pick your battles carefully with your ex-spouse so that when a major issue occurs in the future, you will be taken seriously. There will be many little things that happen along the way but if you act like the little boy or girl who “cried wolf” too often, then you will not be taken as seriously when there is an important issue.
- LOVE YOUR CHILDREN MORE THAN YOU HATE YOUR EX. No matter how much you dislike your ex-spouse due to their behavior during your marriage or divorce, it is important to always put your children first. At times it may feel good to verbally “bash” your ex-spouse, but you should always remember your children before you speak. Negative treatment of your ex-spouse around your children can be damaging to them and should be avoided.
- TAKE AN IN PERSON PARENTING CLASS RATHER THAN AN ONLINE CLASS. While it is easier and more convenient to take your parenting class online, you will likely get more out of the class if you attend in person and don’t be shy about taking a refresher class.
- IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY, DO IT IN PERSON AND NOT THROUGH ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION. When your ex reads an e-mail or a text message, they are likely going to interpret that message in the manner that they believe it is being delivered. Oftentimes that misinterpretation is the basis for misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Many people have forgotten that a simple telephone call is the best way to accomplish the delivery of information. However, after the initial conversation, the message should always be re-conveyed in a follow up letter or e-mail so that the conversation cannot later be disputed.