Copyright © 2025 The Law Firm of Charles D. Jamieson, P.A. All rights reserved.
Child abuse and neglect does occur in this country and the concern of our society regarding this issue is legitimate. In dealing with this problem, our society requires investigations of child abuse to be completed quickly. Many individuals end up being falsely accused because investigations occur in a system which is often overworked, under trained, and under educated in the various issues of child abuse. Unfortunately, these false allegations can and do, shatter lives and families. Here are some common questions.
No. Abuse allegations are serious charges with very dire consequences. You must arm yourself with a solid, well planned and executed defense that lets your accuser know that you will fight the false claims with fierce determination.
No. Time is of the essence in an abuse defense! Effective, immediate legal action is the answer to confronting and destroying false abuse allegations.
Children do not always accurately report past events. Poorly trained interviewers often lead a child into giving the answers they want. The child may become confused and try to give the answers they believe the “authority figure” wishes to hear. Don’t assume anything. Defend yourself.
Expert witnesses are extremely important in educating the jury and/or judge about key issues. Often, it is their testimony that combats what uneducated experts for the opposition are stating.
Unless, you don’t value your reputation, time with your children, your relationships with others, your job, and your freedom – you must have a game plan to forcefully demonstrate the falseness of the allegations. It is imperative that your attorney quickly assess what the real issues are and institute a step-by-step offensive strategy.
A depth of experience and wealth of knowledge of similar cases is paramount. Choose an attorney who is completely familiar with the science and research that has been published about similar cases. It is also important that you choose a lawyer who is organized, determined, and communicates his strategy well. Finally, you must feel like you have access to your counsel and that your case is a priority.
If you would like to speak to a lawyer about your situation, pleasecontact us online or call 561/478-0312. Attorney Jamieson will be happy to discuss your case.