Copyright © 2025 The Law Firm of Charles D. Jamieson, P.A. All rights reserved.
Charles D. Jamieson is available as a legal consultant in child abuse defense cases involving parental alienation, child abuse and custody issues, or other complex family law issues. A leading proponent of family rights in the areas of family law and child abuse defense for the last 25 years, Mr. Jamieson is a frequent guest speaker at seminars across the country, sharing information and insight on various topics of family law. As a consultant or lead attorney, he has been involved with major child abuse defense cases in more than 20 states.
Mr. Jamieson’s professional background includes representation in three judicial systems: family court, criminal court, and juvenile court. His thorough understanding of how these systems interconnect in child abuse defense and family law cases assists him in recommending successful strategies that don’t negatively impact parallel actions.
Through ongoing education and experience, Charles D. Jamieson has accumulated knowledge vital to understanding the issues involving children and families in the context of child abuse allegations and custody disputes. These include child development psychology, relationship sociology, various mental and physical manifestations that can mimic abuse symptoms, and the legal principles that can be applied to cases of this type. His extensive associations with experts and research in each of these fields make him a valuable asset on any legal team for cases of sexual child abuse, physical child abuse and neglect, emotional child abuse and neglect,
repressed /recovered memory, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, rape, and satanic ritual abuse.
To speak with Charles D. Jamieson about consulting services, please call 561/478-0312 orĀ contact us online.