Recently, the American public has been reading reports in newspapers and elsewhere that the divorce rates appear to be going down from approximately 50 percent to 40 percent or lower. However, a recent New York Times article provided additional information from the United States Census Bureau, which still raises a concern that the divorce rates remain high. The percentage of people who celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary in the 2000 census data had declined. About 80 percent of first marriages that took place in the late 1950s lasted 15 years. However, among people married in the late 1980s for the first time, only 61 percent of men and 57 percent of women were married 15 years later. Women and men who married in the late 1970s had less than an even chance of still remaining married 25 years later. This data seems to suggest that recent marriages still remain fragile. This information clearly indicates to divorce attorneys and to people attempting to avoid family lawyers that married people need to work consistently at maintaining strong marriages and relationships. The failure to do so may cause people to end up with dissolving marriages and all the financial, emotional, and personal turmoil that result from divorce and divorce court.
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