Custody claims in highly contested divorces revolve around who is the better parent. Involved, knowledgeable, and caring parenting is the "Holy Grail" of such quest. Children...
Palm Beach, Wellington, Boca Raton, Jupiter and other areas of Palm Beach County are home to many high net worth couples whose children are grown and...
Just as happy married couples share qualities in common, bitter ex-spouses do as well. A recent study of divorced couples cited four specific behaviors that are directly...
've been a divorce attorney for more than 35 years. I have seen good relationships go bad, bad relationships get worse and relationships on the brink of self destruction...
On January 1st of each year, the majority of people wish each other a Happy New Year. However, among divorce attorneys, January 1 commences an upsurge...
Whether you are going through a divorce or are divorced, the holidays often present a daunting challenge. The most difficult part for parents is often finding...
The collaborative divorce facilitator (CDF) is a neutral professional who is often utilized as a collaborative divorce team leader and communication specialist within the collaborative...