A divorce can create havoc on a family regarding its finances, it can also exact an emotional and psychological toll upon its members. Nonetheless, 90 to...
In March we are besieged with "March Madness" – the NCAA National Basketball Championship were sports enthusiasts, who are avid supporters of the participant universities, sit...
Will the Florida Legislature pass 50/50 time-sharing/visitation? Many individuals (including a number of experienced family law attorneys) erroneously believe that Florida law provides for 50/50 timesharing/visitation...
You finally made the difficult decision that the marriage is over and you need to proceed with a divorce. However, you feel some trepidation by proceeding...
The holidays are a daunting time for anyone, particularly when you’re newly separated or divorced and your children are on a new visiting schedule that never...
Pursuant to the Federal Tax Code changes, which went into effect earlier this year, the deductibility of alimony will be abolished in all divorces which are...