In these challenging economic times, going through divorce can get costly. A near doubling of housing costs, transportation expenses related to shuffling children from place to place, and additional lifestyle changes can add dollars to an already overburdened budget.
Additionally, moving out can increase the turmoil children are experiencing. In her article “5 Tips on How to Live Together During the Divorce Process”, Jennifer M. Paine provides suggestions for couples willing to attempt living together during divorce. While it may not be for everyone, living together during a divorce can provide a significant economic benefit and help your child avoid uncertainty. Her suggestions include:
- Budget: The household budget should remain stable during this time. Make sure there are no extraneous purchasing “leaks” by taking the time to check over the budget and watching it carefully. Be sure to reconcile it with your finances each month.
- Respect: Each spouse will need some space to call their own. Start with the bathrooms and see if you have the ability to include a den or office in the spaces that only one spouse uses. It serves as a safe haven for each divorcing individual.
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- Home and away: Try working with a schedule (the more predictable the better) for knowing when each spouse will be home or away. Clear communication is the key to subduing frustrations. Also, make sure the children have quality time with each spouse separately.
- Parenting duties: Paine says, “now is the time to ease them into a parenting time schedule. Pick days throughout the week that will be exclusively one parent’s or the other’s, and try allocating all duties to the parent who has the day.” When a parent has duty, for example, he or she will be responsible for all the day’s activities: school, meals, going places, etc. Be sure to communicate this to children so they know who to turn to each day.
- House Search: In order to make a smooth transition when the divorce is final, be sure to look for housing while your case progresses during. Working together to find places in the same school district can reduce complications for the whole family.
Living together during a Florida divorce is a challenge, but the monetary and emotional cost savings are strong motivators for attempting it. Use the above techniques as launching pads for establishing your own cohabitation strategy that is best suited for your family.
Board Certified Marital and Family Law Attorney Charles D. Jamieson understands that divorce is an extremely sensitive and important issue. Thanks to extensive experience and a focus on open communication, Attorney Jamieson adeptly addresses the complex issues surrounding divorce while delivering excellent personal service. To discuss divorce in Florida, please contact The Law Firm of Charles D. Jamieson, P.A.The Law Firm of Charles D. Jamieson, P.A. or call 561-478-0312.