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Following a divorce in Boca Raton, there are many circumstances under which one party may be held responsible for providing financial support to the other. Spousal support—often referred to as alimony—can come in many different forms and last for different amounts of time at the discretion of a family court. Determining whether alimony is necessary and how much is appropriate in a particular situation can be a deceptively complicated endeavor.
An experienced Boca Raton spousal support lawyer could advocate on your behalf and provide guidance throughout each court proceeding. Whether you need alimony or would like to minimize your financial obligations to your former partner, seeking assistance from a seasoned attorney could be crucial in achieving the results you desire.
As a local attorney could explain in more specific detail, different divorces may warrant different spousal support arrangements. There are five types of alimony that courts may establish:
The length of time a support order may last depends on the specific needs of the recipient spouse, and the ability of the paying spouse to provide for those means while maintaining a reasonable standard of living for themselves. All forms of alimony allowed under state law automatically end if the recipient spouse remarries or the paying spouse passes away.
The length of time two divorcing parties were married often plays a significant role in what kind of alimony a court may order. For example, durational alimony may be established for the same length of time the marriage lasted. However, there are also many other things the court may take into consideration when making a decision on this kind of matter.
Other key factors in spousal support hearings include the standard of living both parties enjoyed while married, each party’s future earning capacity and current financial resources, the responsibilities either or both parties have to care for minor children, and each party’s physical and psychological health. A knowledgeable lawyer in Boca Raton could help emphasize important factors in pursuing a particular spousal support arrangement.
Spousal support can be vital in situations where one party has substantially fewer financial resources and income opportunities than the other. In these scenarios, having help from skilled legal representation could be essential in protecting your rights and preserving your financial and personal interests throughout the entire legal process.
A Boca Raton spousal support lawyer could provide the guidance and support you need to effectively pursue an alimony order that works for your family. Call today to learn more.